I.Nature of the Report
We will present an audio-visual presentation to save time, but to do so, we need the data. I will collate the data and create a video clip with it. I hope we follow these guidelines so that our report will be neat and organized. Sorry for the OCness. Haha
II. Assignment of Themes for reporting:
Kiko – Physical
Micah – Political and Economic
Patty – Socio-cultural
III. General Guidelines
A. This is a thematic report, ergo, we will not be reporting on the provinces individually, but, as we cite certain examples as to pertain torthe region’s characteristic (i.e. economic development, cultural practices), we may use specific examples evident at a specific province, city or town.
Characteristic: “Bikol, as a region indulges in good food, especially spicy ones”
Example: “Like in Camalig, Albay, the Pinangat is a popular food, usually preferred with spices”
B. Enumerate the characterstics, as much as possible, make them concise, without omitting the examples.
from source: “Ilocos Norte has 24,231 natives who speak only Ilocano and Tagalog but with no foreign influences on Language. This is due to the language use for over 100 years that made it so influencial”
edited: “Ilocano, it’s prominent language, spoken exclusively by 24,231 and has been used for more than a century”
C. Submit pictures, if you can have a photo for every cited characteristic, I hope you could do so.
But other than that, let us all submit at least TEN UNIQUE photos of the region regardless of any theme.
The more, the merrier. The higher the resolution (but not super duper high-res) the better. J
D. Enumerate at least SIX characteristics (accdg. To theme assigned).
*include both general and unique characterstics
IV: Deadline
On or before 1pm March 1. That’s tomorrow (Monday)
E-mail it to mickeyeva.up@gmail.com
Please do pass it on time to give me ample time to do the video. Thanks! :D
The research wouldn’t take so long, kaya siya ng a lot less than 2hours of work so go go go..
For any comments, complains or suggestions, text or call